Ghostbusters Afterlife - Ghost Trap
Ghostbusters Afterlife A deeper look into the world of Ghostbusters and Ghostbusting with the Ghost Trap ! We look at yet another essential part of the Ghosbusters equipment the Ghost Trap or Moen Trap - How does it work ? We explain here……The Ghost Trap as seen in Ghostbusters 1, Ghostbuster 2, and Ghostbuster afterlife has been described as a ‘miniature Ecto Containment Unit’
It utilizes the same basic design as it's larger counterpart; a series of lasers designed specifically for the incarceration of spirits, however the overall size and power of an entity can determine how many entities can be contained in one ghost trap.
The smaller the entities, the more can be contained in the trap. But the bigger the ghost, the less spirits can be contained. When two or more ghosts are trapped together, their molecules merge and cannot be separated without releasing both.
The Ghost Trap as seen in Ghostbusters 1, Ghostbuster 2, and Ghostbuster afterlife has been described as a ‘miniature Ecto Containment Unit’
It utilizes the same basic design as it's larger counterpart; a series of lasers designed specifically for the incarceration of spirits, however the overall size and power of an entity can determine how many entities can be contained in one ghost trap.
The smaller the entities, the more can be contained in the trap. But the bigger the ghost, the less spirits can be contained. When two or more ghosts are trapped together, their molecules merge and cannot be separated without releasing both.
Ghostbusters - Ghost Trap
The Trap is an Electromagnetic Field Generator that is encased in an extremely strong and powerful Steel Grid and the EMF draws ghosts into the trap.
It’s connected to a six to eight feet cable, which is connected to a "Stomp-on Pedal". The Cable Wire can be worn on a tiny hook/notch on the standard issue pistol belt. The ghost trap is operated as follows, one team member holds the spirit in a confinement stream, and a second team member rolls a standard Ghost Trap under the spirit.
The operator must shout "Trap Open!" He then activates the Stomp-on Pedal, activating the first stage if the trap.
Now open is ready to receive the ghostly prisoner. The operator then presses the Stomp-on Pedal once more to activate the EMF, the ghost is then sucked into the Trap and the Trap is then closed by removal of the Trap operator's foot from the pedal.
It also runs on a rechargeable battery that lasts up to 48 Hours. So after trapping a ghost, be sure to get to the division headquarters as soon as possible, so you can contain the ghost in the Ecto Containment Unit and recharge the Trap's battery.
Safety Precautions: There are three warnings about the Ghost Trap that should be taken very seriously:
Do not look into the trap:
It is not stated what exactly would happen if a human were to look into a Ghost Trap, however it is believed by most that the glare could cause eye damage and even blindness.
All Video credits goto GHOSTBUSTERSNW visit them here at https://www.gbfans.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=47079
GHOST TRAP "Don't look at the trap!"
Do not overload the trap:
Ghost Traps are extremely small pieces of equipment, and can only contain a certain amount of P.K.E., even if it is from a number of small ghosts. Generally the overloaded Trap would explode, then releasing its contents. Also only a certain number of ghosts can be contained in a Ghost Trap.
Do not forget to recharge the trap:
This is extremely important, a Ghost Trap must be at 100% charge to work at peak efficiency. If a Trap is at less then 100% charge when it leaves the division headquarters then it is at risk of loosing it's charge when in operation, resulting in a similar explosion to a overload.
All Video credits goto Channeling Sprits visit them here at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj7qJYu840ORqxB0vHPzSzw
Check out the New Ghostbusters Afterlife trailer here …..
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Ghostbusters - P.K.E Meter - How does it work ?
We explain how Ghostbusters P.K.E. Meter works, which is similarly to a EMF Detector or a Gas Detector, it is designed specifically to locate P.K.E. (Psychokinetic Energy) in an area.
It is set to register P.K.E. due to this being the substance that makes up most paranormal entities. The P.K.E. Meter tells the operator if an entity is in the area through both indication of its arms with blinking indicator lights, but also through the LED readout screen.
The P.K.E. Meter also informs the operator of the ghost's classification, and how strong it is. Read more by click on our ‘ Blog to the Future ‘ Blog !
Ghostbusters ! So what is the PKE Meter and how does it work ?
The Ghosbusters P.K.E. Meter works similarly to a EMF Detector or a Gas Detector, it is designed specifically to locate P.K.E. (Psychokinetic Energy) in an area. As featured in Ghostbusters 1, Ghostbusters 2 and Ghostbusters Afterlife
It is set to register P.K.E. due to this being the substance that makes up most paranormal entities. The P.K.E. Meter tells the operator if an entity is in the area through both indication of its arms with blinking indicator lights, but also through the LED readout screen.
The P.K.E. Meter also informs the operator of the ghost's classification, and how strong it is. The P.K.E. Meter's power source is just a pair of standard AA batteries.
But what is Psychokinetic Energy ?
Psychokinetic energy (PKE, psionic or psychic energy/force) involves activity dealing with conscious mental energy directly affecting physical objects. It is very specific to consciousness, will, emotion, memory, and other qualities equated with the mind. This energy is very common in Kaf, particularly in the ethereal plane.
An umbrella term that is used to describe a variety of abilities that directly manipulate this mental force. In the Arcane Realm, the field of study concerned with phenomena produced by this is called parapsychology.
Research has shown that psychokinetic energy has a sympathetic relationship with electromagnetism. This is believed to be the reason how spirits have PK serve as their sustaining life force, how the neural activity of physical brains produce PK, how PK can affect physical objects, or how electronics can detect the presence of PKE.
Spirits and Psychics are in tune with PKE to the level that they have the access to the following abilities:
P.K.E Meter
The ability to manipulate objects by the power of thought. Telekinetic force works roughly as an analog to electrostatic force, a mental field generated from the psychic can produce waves that polarized objects which can be attracted or repelled by their field.
Transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals via PKE.
Extrasensory Perception
Perception outside the known physical senses, instead relying on PKE.
Perception of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals via PKE.
Ability to locate objects, sometimes using a tool called a dowsing rod.
Energy medicine
Healing by channeling psychokinetic energy.
Bodily levitation and flying, typically by pushing off the ground.
Precognition, premonition and precognitive dreams
Perception of events before they happen.
Psychometry or psychoscopy
Obtaining information about a person or object, usually by touching or concentrating on the object or a related object.
Remote viewing
Gathering of information at a distance.
Retrocognition or post-cognition
Perception of past events that one was physically present or aware of at the time.
Faith healing
Diagnosing or curing diseases using religious devotion or similar strong beliefs.
Aura reading
Perception of energy fields surrounding people, places and things.
Astral projection or mental projection
An out-of-body experience in which consciousness becomes separate from the physical body.
After the empirical revolution in academia, mental force was reexamined with its own specific field of study, parapsychology. It was found that spirits use PKE in the same way organic beings use the energy from breaking down chemical molecules into electrical energy.
Spirits in fact use ESP as their way to perceive their environment and respond to stimuli of the ethereal plane, and what they draw upon to manifest in the physical plane.
Despite its development for spirits, it is possible for physical beings to harness this power in their minds.
Those who take it upon themselves to tap into this potential and develop these abilities are known as espers or simply psychics.
P.K.E Meter with the Gigameter
P.K.E Meter
One interesting premise of the P.K.E. Meter is that it can be used to track human biorhythms for use in locating missing humans. However these readings are weaker due to this not being the P.K.E. Meter's primary function. The meters can be adjusted to pick up the location of the Proton Pack.
How to Read a P.K.E. Meter: A P.K.E. Meter measures the Psychokinetic energy in the current area. In order to correctly assess the reading, you must view this guide.
200-300 = No Threat, small to no paranormal activity.
301-450 = Trouble, you have a faint trace of a spook.
451-550 = Biblical Proportions, don't let anyone in your house named "Zuul".
Now that you know how to correctly process the information, now you need to know some other tips.
If the meter is reading very close in between 300-305, you may be picking up a trail of a ghoul that was already in your area. In other words, you are seeing his residual traces.
If you are reading anywhere from a 450-455 when a ghost is present, you are looking at a Class V apparition, a ghost not to be taken lightly.
C/N Above entry sourced from GBHQ's Egon's Lab by Dr. Riddle.
Safety Precautions: There is only one warning about the P.K.E. Meter that should be taken very seriously:
Overload: It is not uncommon for a P.K.E. Meter to overload. This ranges from mild electric shock, to a slight burning of skin and even self-destruct. The P.K.E. Meter is by far the most fragile and sensitive piece of equipment, so treat it carefully.
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